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I want to improve my TV production ...


In a perfect world, focus would be centralised, and attention would be undivided. However, we know how television production really is. Production managers are not always focused on a single production. They are in fact frequently addressing multiple productions at a time. This can be stressful as many stakeholders are relying on a consistent level of focus and energy from the production manager. As more tasks and responsibilities pile up, the demand to be organised increases. This leaves many production managers dreaming of a centralised manner to view the different elements of the whole production process from a single point in a logical, organised, and understandable fashion.

This is exactly what the Uberportal.tv platform provides. The intuitively designed UI allows you to maintain your focus on all the tasks at hand without loss of overview, and its scalability minimises the stress factor when multiple productions are added to your responsibilities.


Successful TV productions are driven by two factors; logistics and money. Reporting on the latter is often the least enjoyable part the of the role as production managers. With the Uberportal platform, you will no longer have to worry about compiling the numbers and providing accurate management reports. The platform gives you holistic real-time tracking of the costs based on your detailed logistic planning. Tedious financial reports can now be generated on demand by you or by the intended party directly.

With Uberportal.tv your organisation gets a Single Source of Truth on all levels. Data is never duplicated – it is used universally across different points of reference. This means you will finally have the foundation you need to optimise workflows within your organisation and provide a cohesive vantage point to everyone involved in your productions.

Production Manager KPI:
Deliver a program at a certain quality, at a specific time, within a given budget.


In every production the resource management of crew and facilities – internal and external – is essential. Owning equipment and/or a vast number of staff to facilitate your productions requires firm management of your resources across the organisation to ensure appropriate allocation to each production.

Uberportal Resource Management allows the Production team to pick and choose from certain groups of facilities and people themselves while other resource groups are only managed by the Resource Scheduling team. At the same time, it gives full transparency on the costs for the production and the revenue the resource has generated.

Our advanced UI gives you an overview of who, what and where as well as the money involved in each case on both individual or category levels. You will always be able to forecast the company’s requirements for any resource category.

The Resource Managers KPI:
To optimise the utilisation of resources, with as many happy Productions (internal/external) as possible.

Much more than software

Uberportal is a new way of thinking when planning and managing productions.

Our Platform

Television is evolving. Average price per minute for TV programming has been going one way for decades: down.

If you want to keep the status quo or do better, then the solution is two-fold: increase your volume and become more efficient.

With this in mind, it’s time for you to reconsider the constellations of spreadsheets, emails, PDFs, phone calls, scribbled notes, and go for the alternative. With the Uberportal platform you get up to date information on all aspects of your operation including the external stakeholders involved in your productions.

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Our Platform


Keep Track of Your Entire Team

There is a famous statistic known as the 80/20 rule. It is found in business, in psychology, and also in TV production. Sometimes more than 80% of your resources are external; freelancers, specialists, and external vendors. Uberportal is the only platform that allows you to create centralized solutions for both external and internal personnel.

Productions are to a still greater extent fuelled by freelancers, specialists and external vendors. If your solutions only cater for the in-house resources, you will only be in control of the 15%. Leaving an enormous 85% of your business as a blind angle.

Keep Track of Your Entire Team

Spreadsheets Without Limitations

Ever since they were introduced in the 1980s, spreadsheets have been the Swiss Army Knife of TV production managers. However, some have noticed that there are limits on how much they can do with these tools. Although spreadsheets can be useful, they were never designed to accommodate workflows with the dynamic changes known in our demanding industry. Our challenge was to maintain this benchmark while incorporating features which can properly accommodate the needs of a production. In some cases, spreadsheets can become more of a burden than a benefit.

The Uberportal platform takes the best from spreadsheets and connect it to a relational database. It is designed with TV in mind – all of the tasks you struggle to address with Excel are only a few clicks away.

Spreadsheets Without Limitations

Call-Sheets at No Cost

To say call sheets are critical to TV production is an understatement. Everything operates in accordance to the call sheet. If there is an error, the result is chaos. That is why coordinators are constantly checking them, but who is monitoring the coordinators? Nobody. As humans we are prone to error, and no matter how many times something is checked it is still possible to miss a detail. This constant checking and the few errors which inevitably slip through the cracks cost a lot of time and money.

Uberportal leverages all the data collected from the planning and preparation stage. Even the smallest details in each production day are accounted for – shooting locations, travel itineraries, and even resources for both scripted and unscripted productions. Our platform allows you to generate a call sheet with a single click. You design the look, and all changes down to the last minute are reflected in real-time.

Call-Sheets at No Cost

Find out just how much we can do for you

About Us

Uberportal was founded in Copenhagen in 2014 by a team of experts with over 20 years of experience in client server solutions and television resource management. We identified that TV production management around the world was analogue - supported by disconnected digital islands without standards and agreements. From that moment we have been dedicated to developing a Single Source of Truth digital platform in the cloud, based on standards and agreements, for all stakeholders in the workflow.

With an early adoption of our vision by some of the biggest players in the TV industry, we have over the years succeeded in transforming their entire operations from end-to-end. The combination of our vast industry knowledge, Microsoft’s Azure cloud service and a team of clever ExRuNuMi-developers (Ex-Russian-Nuclear-Missile) has confirmed that our vision has value. We have given the TV industry a holistic solution that was never thought to be possible.

Alexander Draganov, CTO
“Join us in our mission to bring standards to TV production management.”Alexander Draganov, COO